Volleyball BC is a viaSport Accredited Provincial Sports Organization. We are a registered non-profit organization in BC. We actively encourage participation and foster the development of volleyball in BC. As the Provincial Sport governing body for volleyball in the Province of BC, we are dedicated to making volleyball accessible to all British Columbians. Volleyball BC offers programs for athletes of all ages ranging from grassroots to high performance, as well as, providing pathways and development initiatives for coaches and officials. As part of our mission, Volleyball BC is proud to host provincial, national and international events to showcase the sport of volleyball to all members of our Province. 

Vision, Mission, And Values

Our Vision Igniting lifelong passion for volleyball – make sure every person in BC can enjoy active living, feel connected to others, and discover their potential through volleyball.

Our Mission To lead enjoyable and safe volleyball experiences for people to participate, share, develop, and excel.

Core Values
• Everybody gets to play We support inclusive, fun and affordable programs. We make safety a priority. We inspire potential.
• Responding with agility We are open to new possibilities. We dream big and seek to innovate. We take smart risks.
• Leading with integrity We are conscientious and caring. We respond to the needs of our communities. We honour our promises.
• Connected community We nurture healthy and respective relationships. We collaborate to inspire exceptional experiences.

Board Of Directors


A Board Member is responsible for representing the membership of Volleyball BC. The role requires the Board Member to be accountable for the following duties:

1. Meeting Participation – The Board Member is expected to participate in all meetings of the Board including conference calls and face-to- face meetings.

2. Committee Participation – The Board Member is also expected to actively participate in one or more VBC Committees, as amended from time to time.

3. Be Informed – The Board Member must be informed about the affairs of the organization to properly perform their duty to act in the best interest of the association. The expectation is the Board Member prepares for each Board conference call or meeting by reviewing all material provided by the CEO. The Board Member is also expected to listen to, engage with and share the needs of the membership.

4. Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality – The Board Member shall not participate in any organization decision when the Board Member has a material financial interest in the transaction in question without first informing the Board of the interest and following proper procedures.

For more information about the role of a VBC Board member, click here.

President Doramy Ehling, Vice President/Secretary Keeva Kehler, Treasurer Nicole Clendinning, Athletes Representative Chloe Stone, Director At Large Jake Cabott, Director At Large Norm Hanson, Director At Large Andrew Clauson, Member At Large Ryan Gandy  Member At Large Rosie Schlagintweit

Annual General Meeting & Annual General Report

Below are the documents that were presented presentation at this year’s AGM on May 14, 2024:

  1. Agenda
  2. Draft 2023 AGM Minutes
  3. 2023 Annual Report
  4. Committee Reports 
  5. 2023 Audited Financial Statements
  6. Recommended Candidates for Election

The draft minutes from the meeting are available below:

Volleyball BC 2024 AGM Minutes – DRAFT

To view the documents from previous AGMs, click below on Past Reports and Documents.

2021-2024 Strategic Plan

We are excited to share with you our 2021-2024 Strategic Plan which was developed through a process of extensive research and consultation. 

The strategic plan has a focus on safe sport, diversity and inclusion, athlete, coach and referee pathways, and member engagement.

Check out our annual updates on our progress:

Volleyball BC Policies, By-Laws & other Key Documents

Abuse Policy

Anti-Doping Policy

Appeal Policy

Bullying & Harassment Policy

Code of Conduct and Ethics

Commitment to Fair Play

Confidentiality Policy

Conflict of Interest Policy

Commitment Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility

Discipline and Complaints Policy

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Policy

Event Conduct Policy

Facility and Use Policy

Privacy Policy

Protests and Event Discipline Procedure

Reciprocation Policy

Refund Policy

Risk Management Policy

Screening Policy

Team BC Selection Policy

Trans Inclusion Policy

Whistleblower Policy